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The subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa is available to eligible international students who graduate with an eligible qualification from an Australian educational institution (post secondary level). Once granted, the visa gives the holder unrestricted work rights in Australia for the duration of the visa. It may also give the holder an opportunity to pursue permanent visa options in Australia.

The visa has two streams outlined below.

Graduate Work Stream Visa

The 485 Graduate Work Stream (GWS) visa is granted for 18 months and is available to students who have completed at a minimum a trade certificate or Diploma level qualifications in Australia.

Post-Study Work Stream Visa

The 485 Post-Study Work Stream (PSWS) visa is granted for a period of 2-4 years, depending on the Australian studies completed which include:

  • Bachelor or Masters by coursework – eligible for 2-year visa
  • Masters by research – eligible for 3-year visa
  • Doctoral degree (PhD) – eligible for 4-year visa

Differences in the requirements and eligibility under the GWS and PSWS are provided in the table below:

Core requirements under the 485 Graduate Work Stream versus the Post-Study Work Stream

Core criteria GWS PSWS
Age – less than 50 years old at time of application Yes Yes
Satisfy the minimum 2-year Australian study requirement (eligible Australian studies) Yes Yes
Completion of eligible Australian studies Trade qualification or at least Diploma Bachelor,
or PhD
Nominate an eligible skilled occupation on MLTSSL
– and Secure a positive skills assessment in that occupation – and Eligible Australian studies are closely related to nominated skilled occupation
Yes N/A
Applied for first ever Australian student visa on or after 05 November 2011 N/A Yes
Acceptable level of English language skills – Yes Yes
Apply within 6 months after completing eligible Australian studies Yes Yes
At time of applying:
Hold an eligible student visa; or
Hold another eligible visa and have held a student visa within 6 months after completing eligible Australian studies
Yes Yes
Not be an AUSAID/Defence student or student supported by Australian or foreign government or multilateral agency with an obligation to return to home country for a period of years Yes Yes
Hold appropriate health insurance Yes Yes
Other: meet health, character and public interest criteria. Yes Yes